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but honey, i thought it was temporary.
Monday, June 8, 2009

well, i just realized that nothing is temporary. everything that happens to you, everything that you've done, they will stick with you forever. they define you, who you were, who you are, and who you will be. nobody can change who they are--an identity isn't something that you can just take off like a pair of jeans. however, you can change the way you live your life. and that is what's important.

okay, enough with the wiseass talk.
and sorry about yesterday's angry post. belakangan ini gw lagi rada moody. dan senewen.

the good news is: today i met the cutest boy ever! he smiled at me... i smiled at him... i tickled him and he laughed... he tickled me and i laughed... i hugged him and he smiled... we held hands... the only thing standing in our way is--well, he's only 6 or 7 years old. damn.

biasanya gw ga suka anak-anak, tapi nico NICO NICO (itu namanya) CAKEP BANGET. bulu mata panjang, tampang jail, oemge gw jadi pedofil. tidaakkkk. hikshiks.

ah cukup. cukuuuppp. gw laper, ngantuk, bete, kangen, bosan. gw mulai gila. huh.
7:24 PM | back to top

