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i've been away and i'll be away.
Saturday, June 13, 2009

semuanya uda selesai. bener-bener selesai. finished. rapor uda dibagiin, hari ini kelas 3 'dilepas' (bukan graduation, soalnya pengumuman kelulusan diundur), dan gw tinggal nunggu segala acara yg bakal dateng. and what have i been doing?
  • went out. a lot. beberapa hari yg lalu gw ke pancious, dan terakhir kali gw ke pancious itu tahun lalu waktu ngerayain bday bareng cumi dan ivy. jadi kangen banget.
  • maen the sims. no, no, no, bukan the sims 3. gw pengen banget maen the sims 3, tapi komputer ga mengijinkan. jadi gw maen the sims SATU. manusia goa banget sih gw.
  • maen the sims 3, tapi cman kalo lagi di rumah topher.
  • finished up a few things. a few boring things i won't mention here.
  • menghindari internet. i'm sick of the internet. apalagi facebook. it's holiday, and all i want to do is to just get away from everything.
  • i made up my mind. about what? about life. lol. what about life? wouldn't you like to know.
jadii.. gw ga bakal terlalu banyak pegang komputer (selain buat maen) selama liburan ini. but! here's a conversation:
nadia: (on facebook status) i've made up my mind!
om: about what? yale? oxford? princeton? cambridge?
nadia: nonono! none of that. about shoes, actually. lol, i'm so shallow.

om: that's okay. it's in our blood--we love fine things in life.

and here's a picture

2:19 PM | back to top

happy birthday, dad.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

i love you
papa ♥
8:40 PM | back to top

the fortune cookie says
Monday, June 8, 2009

who do you think that will be?
9:12 PM | back to top


why haven't i noticed this before? there are a gazillion images out there about balloons. i make a gazillion images with balloons in them. what's so interesting about balloons anyway? sure, they're pretty. and sure, they're floaty. and of course, they're so cute with their stupid egg shape. oh wait, i think i just answered my own question.


anyway, after thinking about it for three seconds, i think i absolutely agree that there is something that's attractive about balloons. they remind us of our childhood memories, or the memories that we want to have. there is something about the sight of them tugging away from our grip, just waiting for the --oops-- and up, up, up they'll fly. and admit it, all human beings are drawn to anything that flies (well, anything that's pretty and flies. i'm not too sure i like mosquitoes and dusts).

few of my favorite images of balloons:
a balloon stuck on a branch. red balloons--any red balloon. a hand, letting go of balloons. a child running with balloons streaming out behind her. a balloon carrying a note. balloons high up on the sky. a balloon and a needle. balloons with candies inside them.
7:51 PM | back to top

but honey, i thought it was temporary.

well, i just realized that nothing is temporary. everything that happens to you, everything that you've done, they will stick with you forever. they define you, who you were, who you are, and who you will be. nobody can change who they are--an identity isn't something that you can just take off like a pair of jeans. however, you can change the way you live your life. and that is what's important.

okay, enough with the wiseass talk.
and sorry about yesterday's angry post. belakangan ini gw lagi rada moody. dan senewen.

the good news is: today i met the cutest boy ever! he smiled at me... i smiled at him... i tickled him and he laughed... he tickled me and i laughed... i hugged him and he smiled... we held hands... the only thing standing in our way is--well, he's only 6 or 7 years old. damn.

biasanya gw ga suka anak-anak, tapi nico NICO NICO (itu namanya) CAKEP BANGET. bulu mata panjang, tampang jail, oemge gw jadi pedofil. tidaakkkk. hikshiks.

ah cukup. cukuuuppp. gw laper, ngantuk, bete, kangen, bosan. gw mulai gila. huh.
7:24 PM | back to top

where are you, people?
Sunday, June 7, 2009

apa gara-gara uda mulai liburan orang-orang jadi pada males ngeblog?
uda lama ga ngupdate blog. ato mungkin gara-gara mereka banyak kerjaan selama liburan dan gw aja yg kodok ngga ada kerjaan selain ngutakngatik komputer dan maen the sims 1? hina.

ya ga juga sih, gw ga sehina itu. sebenernya sih kegatelan doang, sehari ngedeprok di rumah uda merasa seakan-akan gw hidup di goa. kemaren ke ulangtaunnya keynan, sepupu gw. nginses sama ko reyner, gara-gara gw ga kenal siapa-siapa (yg kenal jg ga ngomong sama gw. EHEM.) dan glenda krista kaga dateng. sial kalian. jadi deh gw makan daging seenak perut sambil ngejagain dagingnya reyner biar jangan jadi arang.

trus kemaren-kemarennya bolak-balik ke musro buat ngurusin party. akhirnya BERES. huraaahhh! trus bolak-balik ke pi gi juga. bodohnya hp sering gw tinggal di rumah kalo gw jalan, jadi sebenernya enak juga ga ada yang (bisa) nyariin. berasa damai.

gara-gara gw belakangan ini mikirin konsep party mulu, mendadak gw jadi fanatik sama hal-hal yang berbau queer-gothic, vintage-gothic, dan vintage-edgy. wow wow.

i don't know why my mom is so paranoid. "nadia, kamu ga naik kelas ya?" "nadia, kalo kamu ga naik gimana?" "nadia, nilai kamu gimana?" paranoid ato ga percayaan? dari mulai selesai ulangan blok yg dibicarain cman kemungkinan besar bahwa gw ga naik kelas dan batalnya liburan serta party gw. maunya apa sih. seakan-akan gw nih bodoh banget dan ga niat belajar banget.

anyway. i don't really like having meals in my own home. at least not together with the whole family. things are just too annoying.
12:30 PM | back to top

you know what i want?
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

you know what i want? it's not a very good idea but...

scream "sorry mom!" then run off to do something seriously irresponsible.

like eloping to europe. or passing out from too much drinks. or run naked on the streets. or eat twenty ice cream cones. or blowing my bank account for a holiday alone in bali. oh yeah.
9:07 PM | back to top

warning: this is a long rant.

school has practically ended. all that's left are fillers and nonsense and essentially a chance for the teachers to wrap up our report books and decide whether to let us move onto the next year or not. and not to mention our last chance to get together as a class and get all nostalgic about this past year. or wiggle in our uniforms, just waiting to take them off and make a dash for it out of the school ground. as for me, i'm the latter. I. CAN'T. WAIT.

for the parties to get started, for the late morning, for the even later nights, for the whole month of being seriously psyched up 24/7. ef! it's cool that school is letting out at 1 pm, but what i want is to get up at 1 pm.

i'm still biting my nails, getting all cooped up in here. all i do is get home, sleep, log onto facebook, troll the lookbook, troll some more on facebook, and troll again on blogger, turn on the tv, eat, sleep. blah. okay, at least that's what i'm doing today. but it feels like i've been doing that forever. and it goes on and on and on and on... especially now that topher is at lampung.

at least i have things to do. no, wait, it just makes it worse. because the last thing i want to do right now is having something to do. invitations and soundlists and fittings. the things that don't seem to be going away. shoo!

somebody, please kidnap me and take me somewhere breezy, with the smell of sea in the air, and cocktails running like tapwater. keep me up to watch the sun set and rise again. play seriously loud music in my ears. spread sand and seashells between my toes. erase my mind blank.

even this blog is getting tired. i checked on the last few posts, and there's barely anything going there but rants about boredom and withheld excitement. sorry, hope things will be better once my life gets a little more interesting.

it's been a while since my last quote:
One more time
Celebrate and dance of free
Music's coming feelin' so free

- daft punk, One More Time
8:24 PM | back to top

this one is called: dumdadadah
Monday, June 1, 2009

dress, custom-made. shoes, marc by marc jacobs. jacket, fo. bag, vintage dior by galliano.

oh god i love that dress. i saw the fabric and fell in love with it, so i thought what the hell, let's take it to the tailor and make an incredulously vibrant, cute dress out of it! and ta-dah!

it's got a v-shaped back and is somewhat kimono-cut. a little short, but i can manage without people seeing up my skirt. a little too big around the shoulder and the chest too; that's why i wore a jacket.

the bag, the kickass saddle bag, is stolen from my mom and i'm permanently keeping it. it's too good not to be toted around everywhere and flaunted and photographed.

what do you think?
12:09 AM | back to top

