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erosion doesn't only happen in nature.
Thursday, May 21, 2009

first it happened all the time. then most of the time. and then sometimes. now it's only occasional.
first it was long talks. then it was occasional long talks. now we're lucky if there's any.
first it was almost daily. then it was weekly. and then only on special occasions. now i barely see them.

but not all of them are getting fewer. some just keep coming and coming.

first i had none. then sometimes i have them. now it's a daily thing.
first i held back. then i let some out. now i just have to throw them out.
first they're few and almost sweet. then they come out more rapidly. and then they stream out bitterly. now they can't even come out anymore.

what the hell happened?
i should've planted some trees.
7:47 PM | back to top

