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blogging is like eating ice cream.
Sunday, May 24, 2009

one moment you crave it. and once you get to eat some, you'll take a huge huge bowl and dig in, eating as fast as you can as much as you can, feeling like you just can't get enough. but after a while, you do get enough, and you begin to get sick of it. you put away the bowl (and the ice cream, if there's any left) and you feel like you won't want to eat any more ice cream for a long time. but actually, it's more likely that you'll crave more ice cream the next day.

anyhoo, right now i'm feeling like i've had enough ice cream for the time being. that's why i haven't been very active blogging. doesn't mean that i don't have some stuff to write, tho. i'm going to tell you all about my trip to ancol yesterday, about my wishlist, about bubble guns, and about stuart weitzsman just as soon as i've gathered enough moxy (i think that's what they call it in night at the museum 2) to sit in front of the computer and get my fingers a-typing. :)

but at the moment, i prefer to sit still and wait for the school to end.
9:00 PM | back to top

