a quick question.
 Sunday, May 31, 2009
should i start a fashion blog? will i be dedicated enough to actually update the blog regularly? will people actually be interested to see what i wear, where i get it, and so on?
hm. maybe not yet. meanwhile, i'll just post occasional pictures of me in this blog. and in lookbook. it sounds tempting, tho. i could search for pretty pictures and post them as inspirations. i can dissect a look into pieces, be it good or bad. i can give advices on what to wear, when to wear it, and how to wear. tempting, tempting.
anw, you can see me wonderful me on lookbook here: http://lookbook.nu/user/35668-Nadia-A i'm just starting out, and as you can see, i'm a lazy poster.
8:58 PM | back to top
on farm town.
 Monday, May 25, 2009
it's a lesser-known game in facebook. and methinks it should be more known. more more more. we get to plant seeds, buy houses, interact, and the pigs are way cute. the downside is, the animals don't really do much right now. but if i'm not mistaken, it's still the beta-version. so it's likely that we'll get to do more it the near future.
the pigs! i could've brought them home and cuddle them all day. heartheartheart.
sawah alay. my little farm. it's supposed to be a rice field. but i'm running low on cash and can't afford the rice seeds.
highly addictive. try it. i'm hooked.
9:42 PM | back to top
this is the beginning of the holiday.
well, no. not yet. but it might as well be! starting today we get out of school at 1 pm, and i'm already feeling the freedom! usually i don't like talking too much about my day-to-day experiences on my blog (as if you really want to know that) but i'll make an exception this once just so you'll know how very free i am :D
got out of school and went to electronic city to get meself a brandspankingnew camera that actually doesn't suck indoors. lucky me, they only got the display left, so i bought that and got 25% off. i'm so cheap hamhamham. so i figured, hey why not blow more dough and get myself a tripod to go with it? and so i did. hamhamhamham.
went home satisfied, ate some noodles, logged onto facebook, downloaded the pictures from iin, tried to upload the pictures, STILL trying to upload the pictures this very moment, played farmtown while waiting for the blasted pictures, fell asleep on the floor, woke up, slept again on the recliner, woke up, forgot all about the computer and took a shower, went down, and here i am.
eventful much. but it's not like i get to catch a nap everyday. the days do feel much much longer when you're not in school. everyday should be like this.
9:30 PM | back to top
blogging is like eating ice cream.
 Sunday, May 24, 2009
one moment you crave it. and once you get to eat some, you'll take a huge huge bowl and dig in, eating as fast as you can as much as you can, feeling like you just can't get enough. but after a while, you do get enough, and you begin to get sick of it. you put away the bowl (and the ice cream, if there's any left) and you feel like you won't want to eat any more ice cream for a long time. but actually, it's more likely that you'll crave more ice cream the next day.
anyhoo, right now i'm feeling like i've had enough ice cream for the time being. that's why i haven't been very active blogging. doesn't mean that i don't have some stuff to write, tho. i'm going to tell you all about my trip to ancol yesterday, about my wishlist, about bubble guns, and about stuart weitzsman just as soon as i've gathered enough moxy (i think that's what they call it in night at the museum 2) to sit in front of the computer and get my fingers a-typing. :)
but at the moment, i prefer to sit still and wait for the school to end.
9:00 PM | back to top
erosion doesn't only happen in nature.
 Thursday, May 21, 2009
first it happened all the time. then most of the time. and then sometimes. now it's only occasional. first it was long talks. then it was occasional long talks. now we're lucky if there's any. first it was almost daily. then it was weekly. and then only on special occasions. now i barely see them.
but not all of them are getting fewer. some just keep coming and coming.
first i had none. then sometimes i have them. now it's a daily thing. first i held back. then i let some out. now i just have to throw them out. first they're few and almost sweet. then they come out more rapidly. and then they stream out bitterly. now they can't even come out anymore.
what the hell happened? i should've planted some trees.
7:47 PM | back to top
this has been eventful.
selasa. kita semua udah siap buat melancarkan serangan. cecel bawa tali rafia ama lakban, gw bawa tas makeup, alain dan cowo-cowo lain bawa otot.
mission: makeupin keco.
pas istirahat, kita mulai siap-siap melancarkan misi. cecel mulai ngasi tau yang lain buat standby di pos masing-masing (yaelah kayak serdadu terlatih aja nih). pintu dijaga biar ga ada yg keluar. keco ditantang adu panco biar dia ga kemana-mana dan biar dia tetep duduk di kursi. terus dari belakang keco disergap buat dilakban. tapi dia ngelak trus mulai berusaha kabur.
sinchan, cecel, ama cowo-cowo uda nahan dia. gw ikut-ikutan dorong keco biar duduk lagi di kursi. trus, pas gw kira dia uda hampir bisa ditahan, DUAG. headbutt. kepala hammer keco ngehantem gw pas di idung. (wo)man down. gw kira idung gw bakal patah. parah.
anyway, mengesampingkan nasib tragis gw, keco terus bergerak ke arah pintu. pintu ditahan sama alain. keco dipegang sama shan, theo, sinchan. satupersatu orang-orang berguguran. sinchan dicakar ampe berdarah, theo digigit, trus alain ditabrak sampe mental, dan target kabur.
kita salah sasaran. ckcks.
rabu ulangan pkn. dari awal gw uda sue, gara-gara gw belom belajar samasekali, ga bikin contekan, dan disuruh pindah ke meja kosong paling depan tepat disamping meja guru. untung heriyo lagi ga bau hari itu.
pas lagi khidmat-khidmatnya ngerjain ulangan (waktu uda hampir selesai) gw mendengar ada suara musik. pertama gw ga ngeh, trus gw pikir kok kayaknya gw tau tuh suara. trus kok kayaknya suaranya kayak suara alarm hp gw. trus kok kantong gw geter-geter.
ohtuhanajubilehgoyangngebor hp gw bunyi. alarm terkutuk gw masih tetep bunyi kenceng walaupun uda gw silent. puji tuhan heriyo lagi di belakang nyeteples kertas ulangan. puji tuhan ivi pinter ("itu bunyi laptop kan?"). dan puji tuhan heiyo bego. dia malah ngeliatin speaker kelas.
gw masih dendam sama hp gw. dia marah kali gara-gara gw masukin ke kolor.
7:25 PM | back to top
my bell rang and it's time to get up!
 Sunday, May 17, 2009
haven't posted in a whole week and i'm feeling so lazy. but in fact, i haven't been lazy at all!
malahan minggu ini gw sedang 'produktif'. hahaha.. dimulai dari hari kamis. kita pergi ke museum pengkhianatan pki trus ke taman mini. padahal tripnya bakal nyenengin banget... kalo aja abis itu kita nggak dihadang TUGAS.
trus hari jumat gw bolos. tapi tapi tapi bukan bolos gara-gara males, tapi karena gw mesti ngurusin beberapa hal: ketemu EO party trus ketemu penjahit buat cari kain dress. aaa kenapa ternyata bikin party itu repot sekali? gw mulai pusing pusing mikirin invitation acara de el el trs parno takut ntar partynya memble. arg arg.
sabtu! jalan-jalan biasa. ketemu sinchan yg lagi nimbrung ama devin metta olip dkk. nonton angels and demons. KEREN. jauh lebih keren daripada Da Vinci Code, dan lumayan detil ngikutin buku aslinya. downside? orang di sebelah gw BACOT: film belom mulai mr. x (ngomong ke temen cewenya): gw udah baca bukunya. keren loh. tentang masalah di gereja gitu.
film baru mulai. lagi adegan penguburan yg khusyuk gitu mr. x (dengan suara keras): yaaahhhh.. mampus deh pausnya. kasian amat sih. wedeh, rame banget.
tokoh utama muncul mr. x: ini dia tokoh utamanya! pinter banget.
di sela-sela film mr. x: sbenernya ini film antikristus loh. gw baca di artikel blablabla kalo dan brown itu blablabla trus dia blablabla makanya bukunya laris blablablaaBLAHBLAHBLAH
di beberapa adegan mr. x: nah mestinya abis ini dia blablabla. tuh kan! apa kata gw! atau mr. x: di bukunya ada nih! atau mr x: di bukunya mestinya ngga gini nih! mestinya blablabla!
di adegan tiap kali ada orang mati mr. x: yahhh mampus lagi deh!
GROAR. terakhir-terakhir temennya uda diem, entah gara-gara males nanggepin ato tau diri. tapi si MR.X adalah contoh buruk bagi para pengguna bioskop. jangan ditiru.trus... you know who you are how could you???
8:08 PM | back to top
escape this town for a little while.
 Sunday, May 10, 2009
went to bandung yesterday. with topher, his mom, ninok, and alex. got stuck in traffic. late lunch in rajarasa. went to carvieno. visited primarasa for a while. should've bought some brownies. traffic again. went to unpar. arrived late for oline's show (too bad). went to oline's place. maybe in the future i'll live in something like that. tempting. dinner was really nice. went back to jakarta. slept halfway through. arrived really late, and really tired. was really tempted to stay the night in topher's house. but he drove me back home anyway.
had a great day ♥
for once, i'm not being really good with words. but yesterday was like a revelation (ish?). maybe i'll do things differently from now on. who knows? i think i can change for the better. hm?
10:52 PM | back to top
since life is nothing like a video.
 Thursday, May 7, 2009
how do you know when things are going out of control? how can you tell when it's time to pause. rewind. replay...? how do you say to yourself, "this is where i stand. this is what i should do"? how do you tell yourself that you're wrong, and make yourself do the right thing? how the hell do you know what the right thing is?
all this because i can't find the 'skip' nor the 'fast-forward' button.
10:45 PM | back to top
Boats and Birds.
 Wednesday, May 6, 2009
If you be my star I'll be your sky you can hide underneath me and come out at night when I turn jet black and you show off your light I live to let you shine I live to let you shine
but you can skyrocket away from me and never come back if you find another galaxy far from here with more room to fly just leave me your stardust to remember you by
if you be my boat I'll be your sea a depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity ebbing and flowing and pushed by a breeze I live to make you free I live to make you free
but you can set sail to the west if you want to and past the horizon till I can't even see you far from here where the beaches are wide just leave me your wake to remember you by
if you be my star I'll be your sky you can hide underneath me and come out at night when I turn jet black and you show off your light I live to let you shine I live to let you shine
but you can skyrocket away from me and never come back if you find another galaxy far from here with more room to fly just leave me your stardust to remember you by stardust to remember you by
- by Gregory and the Hawk
absolutely the sweetest thing ever.
5:35 PM | back to top
 Tuesday, May 5, 2009
program baru: polaDroid, bikin foto2 di jadi kayak hasil polaroid, lengkap dengan pinggiran putih dan format persegi. walopun hasil warnanya lebih kayak foto lomo, tapi lucu juga ngeliatin hasilnya, soalnya setiap kali bisa beda-beda. jadi kangen sama kamera polaroid gw... yg dulu seneng banget gw pake jepratjepret tapi sekarang males pake karena filmnya MAHAL.
   kadang bosen juga foto-foto pake kamera digital karena... terlalu gampang? tinggal pret, hasilnya muncul. kalo ga suka delete. kalo mau sehari ambil seribu foto juga bisa. gw rada kangen pake kamera manual, yg kayaknya disayang-sayang filmnya, trus penasaran nanti jadinya gimana. hasil warnanya juga lebih bagus. apalagi polaroid. gw paling seneng ngibas-ngibasin fotonya yg keluar, trus nunggu sampe warnanya jadi semua. think about this: fotografi yang bagus menekankan fokus dan blur yg tepat. setuju, ato ga setuju? hmm..
5:11 PM | back to top
sunny mondays aren't exactly cheering.
 Monday, May 4, 2009
waktunya cerita-cerita lagi. gw butuh dosis kegoblokan yg mencukupi, seengganya biar isi blog ini lebih sinkron sama alamatnya. hahaha.. tapi kayaknya ga ada kejadian yg saking stupidnya sampe perlu gw dokumentasikan. (sebenernya ada sih, tapi karena menyangkut urusan pribadi jadi ga perlu dipublikasikan. cukup bikin gw ketawa-ketawa sendiri aja kayak orang gila.)
JADI mengapa tidak sebarkan aja urusan pribadi orang daripada punya gw sendiri? HAHA. mari kita bahas masalah hubungan orang-orang, dari perspektif para pengamat intim alias dari para nyamuk! T (Tanya) dari nadia dan J (Jawab) dari nadia juga. bagaimana rasanya menyamuki... T: c dan i? J: sebenernya biasa aja, soalnya gw masi diajak ngobrol (ato maksa ikut obrolan). dan gw paling biasa nyamukin mereka, sejak dari sebelom mereka jadian. tapi mereka oh so sweet, terutama karena proporsi yang mencukupi. ehem.
T: z dan p? J: NGEEEEEEEEENGGGGGGG. dua-duanya mulai sering menghilang dari peredaran, tapi ga pernah menghilang dari satu sama lain. inilah yg dinamakan dengan ketek dan burket. maksudnya perangko dan amplop. nyamukin mereka paling bikin ngenes dan merah sendiri. lebih baik siapkan sensor di depan mata. hahahaha.. jujur sajalah. tidak ada yg perlu ditutupi. sebagian dari kita juga ga suci-suci amat kok.
T: i dan e? J: lumayan pewe jadi satelitnya mereka. kocak-kocak dan para nyamuk ga dijadiin kacang pajangan. bisa buli dua-duanya.
sebentar lagi gw tiap kali pulang mesti jalan sendiri, ga bisa lagi bawa 2 kotak makan ke sekolah. rasanya rada sedih.. kayaknya ada yg ilang gitu, secara uda jadi kebiasaan setaun ini. sedih juga... dan yg bikin tambah sedih: ini lebam gede banget di kaki gw ga ilang-ilang dan makin lama warnanya makin najis! jadi ungu-merah-biru-ijo-kuning gitu. nanti gw foto.
omong-omong besok hari jayus kami!
8:46 PM | back to top
coming down with a major headache.
 Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Young Man came to the Old Man seeking counsel.
I broke something, Old Man.
How badly is it broken?
It's in a million little pieces.
I'm afraid I can't help you.
There's nothing you can do.
It can't be fixed.
It's broken beyond repair. It's in a million little pieces.
- A Million Little Pieces, a memoir by James Frey.
Go read it. I'm currently re-reading the book for the third time. It's that good.
1:10 PM | back to top
so much that i want to cry.
 Saturday, May 2, 2009
so exhilarating. so exciting. so amusing. even better than the highest roller coaster ride.
it saves me. knowing that whenever i fall someone is there to catch me and set me straight. knowing that when i look back at the past, i have someone looking at the same sight: tears and smiles, hands holding each other, whispers and mornings waiting to hear each other's voice. knowing that when i walk into the unknown future, someone will be there by my side. knowing that that someone is you.
so amazing that time doesn't even matter anymore. but still... i smiled when i realized that this is already the first day of the month."you build a stronger castle in my heart"
12:39 AM | back to top





a quick question.
 Sunday, May 31, 2009
should i start a fashion blog? will i be dedicated enough to actually update the blog regularly? will people actually be interested to see what i wear, where i get it, and so on?
hm. maybe not yet. meanwhile, i'll just post occasional pictures of me in this blog. and in lookbook. it sounds tempting, tho. i could search for pretty pictures and post them as inspirations. i can dissect a look into pieces, be it good or bad. i can give advices on what to wear, when to wear it, and how to wear. tempting, tempting.
anw, you can see me wonderful me on lookbook here: http://lookbook.nu/user/35668-Nadia-A i'm just starting out, and as you can see, i'm a lazy poster.
8:58 PM | back to top
on farm town.
 Monday, May 25, 2009
it's a lesser-known game in facebook. and methinks it should be more known. more more more. we get to plant seeds, buy houses, interact, and the pigs are way cute. the downside is, the animals don't really do much right now. but if i'm not mistaken, it's still the beta-version. so it's likely that we'll get to do more it the near future.
the pigs! i could've brought them home and cuddle them all day. heartheartheart.
sawah alay. my little farm. it's supposed to be a rice field. but i'm running low on cash and can't afford the rice seeds.
highly addictive. try it. i'm hooked.
9:42 PM | back to top
this is the beginning of the holiday.
well, no. not yet. but it might as well be! starting today we get out of school at 1 pm, and i'm already feeling the freedom! usually i don't like talking too much about my day-to-day experiences on my blog (as if you really want to know that) but i'll make an exception this once just so you'll know how very free i am :D
got out of school and went to electronic city to get meself a brandspankingnew camera that actually doesn't suck indoors. lucky me, they only got the display left, so i bought that and got 25% off. i'm so cheap hamhamham. so i figured, hey why not blow more dough and get myself a tripod to go with it? and so i did. hamhamhamham.
went home satisfied, ate some noodles, logged onto facebook, downloaded the pictures from iin, tried to upload the pictures, STILL trying to upload the pictures this very moment, played farmtown while waiting for the blasted pictures, fell asleep on the floor, woke up, slept again on the recliner, woke up, forgot all about the computer and took a shower, went down, and here i am.
eventful much. but it's not like i get to catch a nap everyday. the days do feel much much longer when you're not in school. everyday should be like this.
9:30 PM | back to top
blogging is like eating ice cream.
 Sunday, May 24, 2009
one moment you crave it. and once you get to eat some, you'll take a huge huge bowl and dig in, eating as fast as you can as much as you can, feeling like you just can't get enough. but after a while, you do get enough, and you begin to get sick of it. you put away the bowl (and the ice cream, if there's any left) and you feel like you won't want to eat any more ice cream for a long time. but actually, it's more likely that you'll crave more ice cream the next day.
anyhoo, right now i'm feeling like i've had enough ice cream for the time being. that's why i haven't been very active blogging. doesn't mean that i don't have some stuff to write, tho. i'm going to tell you all about my trip to ancol yesterday, about my wishlist, about bubble guns, and about stuart weitzsman just as soon as i've gathered enough moxy (i think that's what they call it in night at the museum 2) to sit in front of the computer and get my fingers a-typing. :)
but at the moment, i prefer to sit still and wait for the school to end.
9:00 PM | back to top
erosion doesn't only happen in nature.
 Thursday, May 21, 2009
first it happened all the time. then most of the time. and then sometimes. now it's only occasional. first it was long talks. then it was occasional long talks. now we're lucky if there's any. first it was almost daily. then it was weekly. and then only on special occasions. now i barely see them.
but not all of them are getting fewer. some just keep coming and coming.
first i had none. then sometimes i have them. now it's a daily thing. first i held back. then i let some out. now i just have to throw them out. first they're few and almost sweet. then they come out more rapidly. and then they stream out bitterly. now they can't even come out anymore.
what the hell happened? i should've planted some trees.
7:47 PM | back to top
this has been eventful.
selasa. kita semua udah siap buat melancarkan serangan. cecel bawa tali rafia ama lakban, gw bawa tas makeup, alain dan cowo-cowo lain bawa otot.
mission: makeupin keco.
pas istirahat, kita mulai siap-siap melancarkan misi. cecel mulai ngasi tau yang lain buat standby di pos masing-masing (yaelah kayak serdadu terlatih aja nih). pintu dijaga biar ga ada yg keluar. keco ditantang adu panco biar dia ga kemana-mana dan biar dia tetep duduk di kursi. terus dari belakang keco disergap buat dilakban. tapi dia ngelak trus mulai berusaha kabur.
sinchan, cecel, ama cowo-cowo uda nahan dia. gw ikut-ikutan dorong keco biar duduk lagi di kursi. trus, pas gw kira dia uda hampir bisa ditahan, DUAG. headbutt. kepala hammer keco ngehantem gw pas di idung. (wo)man down. gw kira idung gw bakal patah. parah.
anyway, mengesampingkan nasib tragis gw, keco terus bergerak ke arah pintu. pintu ditahan sama alain. keco dipegang sama shan, theo, sinchan. satupersatu orang-orang berguguran. sinchan dicakar ampe berdarah, theo digigit, trus alain ditabrak sampe mental, dan target kabur.
kita salah sasaran. ckcks.
rabu ulangan pkn. dari awal gw uda sue, gara-gara gw belom belajar samasekali, ga bikin contekan, dan disuruh pindah ke meja kosong paling depan tepat disamping meja guru. untung heriyo lagi ga bau hari itu.
pas lagi khidmat-khidmatnya ngerjain ulangan (waktu uda hampir selesai) gw mendengar ada suara musik. pertama gw ga ngeh, trus gw pikir kok kayaknya gw tau tuh suara. trus kok kayaknya suaranya kayak suara alarm hp gw. trus kok kantong gw geter-geter.
ohtuhanajubilehgoyangngebor hp gw bunyi. alarm terkutuk gw masih tetep bunyi kenceng walaupun uda gw silent. puji tuhan heriyo lagi di belakang nyeteples kertas ulangan. puji tuhan ivi pinter ("itu bunyi laptop kan?"). dan puji tuhan heiyo bego. dia malah ngeliatin speaker kelas.
gw masih dendam sama hp gw. dia marah kali gara-gara gw masukin ke kolor.
7:25 PM | back to top
my bell rang and it's time to get up!
 Sunday, May 17, 2009
haven't posted in a whole week and i'm feeling so lazy. but in fact, i haven't been lazy at all!
malahan minggu ini gw sedang 'produktif'. hahaha.. dimulai dari hari kamis. kita pergi ke museum pengkhianatan pki trus ke taman mini. padahal tripnya bakal nyenengin banget... kalo aja abis itu kita nggak dihadang TUGAS.
trus hari jumat gw bolos. tapi tapi tapi bukan bolos gara-gara males, tapi karena gw mesti ngurusin beberapa hal: ketemu EO party trus ketemu penjahit buat cari kain dress. aaa kenapa ternyata bikin party itu repot sekali? gw mulai pusing pusing mikirin invitation acara de el el trs parno takut ntar partynya memble. arg arg.
sabtu! jalan-jalan biasa. ketemu sinchan yg lagi nimbrung ama devin metta olip dkk. nonton angels and demons. KEREN. jauh lebih keren daripada Da Vinci Code, dan lumayan detil ngikutin buku aslinya. downside? orang di sebelah gw BACOT: film belom mulai mr. x (ngomong ke temen cewenya): gw udah baca bukunya. keren loh. tentang masalah di gereja gitu.
film baru mulai. lagi adegan penguburan yg khusyuk gitu mr. x (dengan suara keras): yaaahhhh.. mampus deh pausnya. kasian amat sih. wedeh, rame banget.
tokoh utama muncul mr. x: ini dia tokoh utamanya! pinter banget.
di sela-sela film mr. x: sbenernya ini film antikristus loh. gw baca di artikel blablabla kalo dan brown itu blablabla trus dia blablabla makanya bukunya laris blablablaaBLAHBLAHBLAH
di beberapa adegan mr. x: nah mestinya abis ini dia blablabla. tuh kan! apa kata gw! atau mr. x: di bukunya ada nih! atau mr x: di bukunya mestinya ngga gini nih! mestinya blablabla!
di adegan tiap kali ada orang mati mr. x: yahhh mampus lagi deh!
GROAR. terakhir-terakhir temennya uda diem, entah gara-gara males nanggepin ato tau diri. tapi si MR.X adalah contoh buruk bagi para pengguna bioskop. jangan ditiru.trus... you know who you are how could you???
8:08 PM | back to top
escape this town for a little while.
 Sunday, May 10, 2009
went to bandung yesterday. with topher, his mom, ninok, and alex. got stuck in traffic. late lunch in rajarasa. went to carvieno. visited primarasa for a while. should've bought some brownies. traffic again. went to unpar. arrived late for oline's show (too bad). went to oline's place. maybe in the future i'll live in something like that. tempting. dinner was really nice. went back to jakarta. slept halfway through. arrived really late, and really tired. was really tempted to stay the night in topher's house. but he drove me back home anyway.
had a great day ♥
for once, i'm not being really good with words. but yesterday was like a revelation (ish?). maybe i'll do things differently from now on. who knows? i think i can change for the better. hm?
10:52 PM | back to top
since life is nothing like a video.
 Thursday, May 7, 2009
how do you know when things are going out of control? how can you tell when it's time to pause. rewind. replay...? how do you say to yourself, "this is where i stand. this is what i should do"? how do you tell yourself that you're wrong, and make yourself do the right thing? how the hell do you know what the right thing is?
all this because i can't find the 'skip' nor the 'fast-forward' button.
10:45 PM | back to top
Boats and Birds.
 Wednesday, May 6, 2009
If you be my star I'll be your sky you can hide underneath me and come out at night when I turn jet black and you show off your light I live to let you shine I live to let you shine
but you can skyrocket away from me and never come back if you find another galaxy far from here with more room to fly just leave me your stardust to remember you by
if you be my boat I'll be your sea a depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity ebbing and flowing and pushed by a breeze I live to make you free I live to make you free
but you can set sail to the west if you want to and past the horizon till I can't even see you far from here where the beaches are wide just leave me your wake to remember you by
if you be my star I'll be your sky you can hide underneath me and come out at night when I turn jet black and you show off your light I live to let you shine I live to let you shine
but you can skyrocket away from me and never come back if you find another galaxy far from here with more room to fly just leave me your stardust to remember you by stardust to remember you by
- by Gregory and the Hawk
absolutely the sweetest thing ever.
5:35 PM | back to top
 Tuesday, May 5, 2009
program baru: polaDroid, bikin foto2 di jadi kayak hasil polaroid, lengkap dengan pinggiran putih dan format persegi. walopun hasil warnanya lebih kayak foto lomo, tapi lucu juga ngeliatin hasilnya, soalnya setiap kali bisa beda-beda. jadi kangen sama kamera polaroid gw... yg dulu seneng banget gw pake jepratjepret tapi sekarang males pake karena filmnya MAHAL.
   kadang bosen juga foto-foto pake kamera digital karena... terlalu gampang? tinggal pret, hasilnya muncul. kalo ga suka delete. kalo mau sehari ambil seribu foto juga bisa. gw rada kangen pake kamera manual, yg kayaknya disayang-sayang filmnya, trus penasaran nanti jadinya gimana. hasil warnanya juga lebih bagus. apalagi polaroid. gw paling seneng ngibas-ngibasin fotonya yg keluar, trus nunggu sampe warnanya jadi semua. think about this: fotografi yang bagus menekankan fokus dan blur yg tepat. setuju, ato ga setuju? hmm..
5:11 PM | back to top
sunny mondays aren't exactly cheering.
 Monday, May 4, 2009
waktunya cerita-cerita lagi. gw butuh dosis kegoblokan yg mencukupi, seengganya biar isi blog ini lebih sinkron sama alamatnya. hahaha.. tapi kayaknya ga ada kejadian yg saking stupidnya sampe perlu gw dokumentasikan. (sebenernya ada sih, tapi karena menyangkut urusan pribadi jadi ga perlu dipublikasikan. cukup bikin gw ketawa-ketawa sendiri aja kayak orang gila.)
JADI mengapa tidak sebarkan aja urusan pribadi orang daripada punya gw sendiri? HAHA. mari kita bahas masalah hubungan orang-orang, dari perspektif para pengamat intim alias dari para nyamuk! T (Tanya) dari nadia dan J (Jawab) dari nadia juga. bagaimana rasanya menyamuki... T: c dan i? J: sebenernya biasa aja, soalnya gw masi diajak ngobrol (ato maksa ikut obrolan). dan gw paling biasa nyamukin mereka, sejak dari sebelom mereka jadian. tapi mereka oh so sweet, terutama karena proporsi yang mencukupi. ehem.
T: z dan p? J: NGEEEEEEEEENGGGGGGG. dua-duanya mulai sering menghilang dari peredaran, tapi ga pernah menghilang dari satu sama lain. inilah yg dinamakan dengan ketek dan burket. maksudnya perangko dan amplop. nyamukin mereka paling bikin ngenes dan merah sendiri. lebih baik siapkan sensor di depan mata. hahahaha.. jujur sajalah. tidak ada yg perlu ditutupi. sebagian dari kita juga ga suci-suci amat kok.
T: i dan e? J: lumayan pewe jadi satelitnya mereka. kocak-kocak dan para nyamuk ga dijadiin kacang pajangan. bisa buli dua-duanya.
sebentar lagi gw tiap kali pulang mesti jalan sendiri, ga bisa lagi bawa 2 kotak makan ke sekolah. rasanya rada sedih.. kayaknya ada yg ilang gitu, secara uda jadi kebiasaan setaun ini. sedih juga... dan yg bikin tambah sedih: ini lebam gede banget di kaki gw ga ilang-ilang dan makin lama warnanya makin najis! jadi ungu-merah-biru-ijo-kuning gitu. nanti gw foto.
omong-omong besok hari jayus kami!
8:46 PM | back to top
coming down with a major headache.
 Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Young Man came to the Old Man seeking counsel.
I broke something, Old Man.
How badly is it broken?
It's in a million little pieces.
I'm afraid I can't help you.
There's nothing you can do.
It can't be fixed.
It's broken beyond repair. It's in a million little pieces.
- A Million Little Pieces, a memoir by James Frey.
Go read it. I'm currently re-reading the book for the third time. It's that good.
1:10 PM | back to top
so much that i want to cry.
 Saturday, May 2, 2009
so exhilarating. so exciting. so amusing. even better than the highest roller coaster ride.
it saves me. knowing that whenever i fall someone is there to catch me and set me straight. knowing that when i look back at the past, i have someone looking at the same sight: tears and smiles, hands holding each other, whispers and mornings waiting to hear each other's voice. knowing that when i walk into the unknown future, someone will be there by my side. knowing that that someone is you.
so amazing that time doesn't even matter anymore. but still... i smiled when i realized that this is already the first day of the month."you build a stronger castle in my heart"
12:39 AM | back to top
random. dreams way too much. overdosing on love.
drop roses on their doors
xis1 loren
out with the words
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