aaahhh excited excited tegang senang!
gw masih packing n gila koper gw gede aje.. mudah2an ga dikira bawa mayat ama petugas airport. hehehehe
take care everybody!
-i'm leaving on a jet plane, be back in seven days-
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besok gw take off ke bali!!
aaahhh excited excited tegang senang! gw masih packing n gila koper gw gede aje.. mudah2an ga dikira bawa mayat ama petugas airport. hehehehe take care everybody! -i'm leaving on a jet plane, be back in seven days- ![]() ![]() ![]()
tadi pagi pas bangun rasanya gw pengen jatoh trus mati aja. serius. rasanya maleeess banget bangun, pergi sekolah, dan hidup. suramsuramsuram.
mana tau2 ada ulangan 2 biji lagi.. inggris jupe ama sosio. eyaakk dua2nya gw belom belajar sama sekali dan malesmalesmales (tapi emang dasarnya gw pemalas tingkat berat sih). pas pelajaran terakhir hasilkuis mat dibagiin dan gw berhasil mengembalikan prestasi matematika kelas 1 gw! horeeee!! ga sih, secara nilai mat gw dulu jelek banget jebleh mendingan dibuang ke got. arrrrrrgg gw bodoh bodoh bodoh!! anyway, tadi ada donor darah loh di sekolah. gw pengen banget banget ikut, walaupun gw belom 17 tahun. (bukan cuma gara2 donornya pas lagi pelajaran shawn). gw pengen tau gimana rasanya, trus kayaknya lucu gitu darah kita dimasukin kantong. kan darah warnanya bagus gitu merah tua, kentel2, jadi kayaknya kantongnya jadi empuk2 jelly kalo udah keisi darah. lagipula seneng aja mikir nanti darah gw bakal berguna buat orang lain, terus dimasukin ke badan orang lain. jadi nanti ada bagian diri gw di dia. keren kann tapi sayangnya shawn menghancurkan impian gw. padahal gw udah turun ke hc, isi formulir (gw ngaku udah ulangtaun ke 17), dan baris buat dicek kesehatan. sinchan ama teo lemes berdua di sofa, secara yg satu takut darah yg satu takut jarum. swt.. ngapain juga lu berdua mau ikut donor. ckck. trusss.. shawn tiba2 masuk ke hc dan: shawn: s2, go back to class please. you can come back here at 1 pm. padahal donornya tutup jam 12 shawn soteu: they'll wait until 1. okeh. kita balik ke kelas, trus presentasi. jam 1 kurang gw sinchan ama teo siap2 balik lagi ke hc. tapi tasha bilang udah tutup. kecewa. tetep aja gw ke hc ama sinchan buat tetes mata, secara mata gw tiba2 merah banget sebagian kayak bendera. trus pas kita nangkring di depan hc ama cumi idel moses bembi jason, petugas donornya keluar bawa peralatan ama kotak gede. kayaknya itu isinya kantong2 darah yg udah diambil deh. isinya gimana ya? -let tomorrow be better, pleasepleaseplease. ![]() ![]() ![]() No one ever saw me like you do
All the things that I could add up to I never knew just what a smile was worth But your eyes say everything without a single word 'Cause there's something in the way you look at me It's as if my heart knows you're the missing piece You make me believe that there's nothing in this world I can't be I'd never know what you see But there's something in the way you look at me If I could freeze the moment in my mind Be the second that you touch your lips to mine I'd like to stop the clock make time stand still 'Cause baby this is just the way I always wanna feel 'Cause there's something in the way you look at me It's as if my heart knows you're the missing piece You make me believe that there's nothing in this world I can't be I'd never know what you see But there's something in the way you look at me I don't know how or why I feel different in your eyes All I know is that it happens every time Coz there's something in the way you look at me It's as if my heart knows you're the missing piece You make me believe that there's nothing in this world I can't be I'd never know what you see But there's something in the way you look at me - Christian Bautista ![]() ![]() ![]()
absolutely the bestest. the most fabulous. the greatest. the sweetest. VALENTINE ever!
:D :D jadi.. kemaren malem gw, topher, ama sinchan mulai party-hopping. pertama kita ke peninsula, tempat 17annya rena (tema: paris). disitu palingan kita cman 15 menitan, trus langsung ke tempatnya frenki di mulia. disana gw ama topher palingan cman 5-10 menitan, trus ke tempat dinner di gran melia. dandandan.. tempat dinnernya BAGUS BANGET. di resto COLVMBVS. (ada yg ngerti hubungan sama nama restonya ga? hehehe) gilaa.. buat dinner dia sampe bela2in ganti jas segala.. haha.. gw bener-bener ga nyangka, tempatnya bener2 bagus. kayak di dalem kapal megah gitu. tiap meja ditaburin mawar sama dikasi lilin. apalagi kita dapet tempat di pojok samping jendela, jadi dapet city view. yg paling penting, makanannya enak2 banget gila. ada 8 course kalo ga salah.. termasuk 'floating basil sorbet on veuve cliquot champagne' dan stoberi yg diiris tipis2 gitu pake es krim ama saus jeruk. puas2.. gw ga nyesel nahan laper seharian, sampe ngeces2 liat makanan di tempat frenki. heheh trus pas pulang (uda lewat tengah malem gitu) dia nganterin gw masuk.. dan begitu gw nyalain lampu kamar.. ada buket bunga mawar di atas ranjang gw. so sweet gilaaa.. dia ampe skongkolan ama nyokap gw buat bikin surprise. ah gilagila ampe sekarang masih cengar-cengir kyk keledai nih gw. seneeeng bangettt.. banget. BANGET. *tarik napas* I've dreamed of this a thousand times before In my dreams i couldnt love you more ![]() ![]() ![]()
ternyata setelah gw buka msn dan mulai ngechat ria ama kawan2, gw jadi girang kembali. hahaha.. thanks guys, you're the bestest of the best! :D
eh2 hari ini anniversary 2 bulanan hari jayus kami lohh.. hahaha. tiap tanggal 5 pokoknya adalah hari jayus buat gw iin cecel ama sinchan. jangan tanya. pokoknya hari ini kami menistakan diri (biasanya jg udah nista sih). barusan iseng2 gw menggunakan account fbnya topher buat liat2 foto. trus gw menemukan foto seseorang pas smp yang HINA BANGET. *nama ga perlu disebutkan. kasian kalo ampe beritanya meluas.* tapi masalahnya gw pas smp juga amatsangatenggabangethoekcuihpret. dan kayaknya semua orang pas smp juga hoekcuihpret walopun mungkin ga se hoekcuihpret gw.. ya ampun dijee.. masa2 rambut belah tengah pake jepit.. gaya metal pake lidah keluar.. baju baggy.. uiui jadi kangen. ga juga sih. lalu.. mengapa gw mesti pake accountnya topher? KARENA GW GA PUNYA FB. yeeaahhh.. benar sekali. gw yg hina ini ga punya fb. kayaknya gw satu2nya anak di kelas gw yang ga punya fb. bairawa aja punya. ckckck.. gw manusia goa. tapitapi.. akhirnya gw bikin account. HOHO. gw me-non-nistakan diri gw sendiri! HIDUP! krikkrik. lah, kan hari ini hari jayus. boleh dong. A: banjir lagi banjir lagi.. B: bagus dong, ntar bisa ketemu putri duyung HAHAHAHAHA ![]() ![]() ![]()
"the blues are because you're etting fat or maybe it's been raining too long. You're sad, that's all. But the mean reds are horrible. You're afraid and you sweat like hell, but you don't know what you're afraid of. Except something bad is going to happen, only you don't know what it is." - Holly Golightly, Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote.
right now i'm having both. gila hari ini gw lagi freak banget. pas baru bangun rasanya beraaatt banget, serasa pengen loncat dari beranda. trus pas di sekolah gw ga bisa berhenti ngoceh. pengen ngomooong mulu.. tapi begitu pulang rasanya pengen ngelungker aja di bawah selimut, makan tidur, baca buku, menggendut, dan ga bangun sampe tahun 2012. ah. why can't life be all beaches, laces, pillows, wines, honey, candles, music, love, and laughter? ![]() ![]() ![]()
today. sucks.
it's like i can't get anything right. and it's like all the things i've been putting off (which i shouldntve done in the first place anyway) are suddenly coming right up to me. arg. okay, so anyway... i'm seriously bored.. and i took pictures. "But you can't give your heart to a wild thing: the more you do, the stronger they get. Until they're strong enough to run into the woods. Or fly into a tree. Then a taller tree. Then the sky. That's how you'll end up, Mr Bell. If you let yourself love a wild thing. You'll end up looking at the sky." ": and believe me, dearest Doc - it's better to look at the sky than live there. Such an empty place; so vague. Just a country where the thunder goes and things disappear." - both by Holly Golightly, in Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote i'm re-reading the story. it's epic. love it. the highlight of my day may tomorrow be better and let there be ice cream. hearts. ![]() ![]() ![]()
first up--some of my favorite quotes on love or anything resembling love:
"I've dreamed of this a thousand times before/In my dreams I couldn't love you more" - My Valentine, by Martina McBride "If there were no words/No way to speak/I would still hear you" - My Valentine again. Seriously, the whole song is so romantic. "My hands shake clasped with fear, As you come near/To say goodnight, just like a dove/ A peaceful sign/To help us by.As you come in/Let this begin/Stars fall like dust, our lips will touch/We speak too much." - Breathe, by Angels and Airwaves "Don't waste your time on me you're already the voice inside my head" - I Miss You, by Blink182 "Please stay untill I'm gone/I'm here hold on to me/I'm right here waiting/And take my one last breath/And don't forget/That I will be right here waiting" - Not Now, by Blink182 "I wanna call the stars, down from the sky/I wanna live a day, that never dies" - When You Tell Me That You Love Me "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate." - William Shakespeare "My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods. Time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees - my love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath - a source of little visible delight, but necessary." - Wuthering Heights "Time is how you spend you love" - On Beauty, by Zadie Smith "...chalky whites and lively pinks, the underlying blue of her veins and the ever present human hint of yellow, intimation of what is to come" - On Beauty, by Zadie Smith "Choosing love, then choosing it again, how loving and being in love could be so different" - The Mermaid Chair, by Sue Monk Kidd "What I want is you. What I want is the enduring. The beautiful enduring" - Jessie, in The Mermaid Chair, by Sue Monk Kidd "That is why, walking across a school campus on this particular December morning, I keep searching the sky. As if I expected to see, rather like hearts, a lost pair of kites hurrying towards heaven." - A Christmas Memory, by Truman Capote These quotes are from songs, books, short stories, and poems. These aren't all, but they'll do for now :D ![]() ![]() ![]()
of fashion, quirky things, fairytales, poems, and dreams. go visit that blog. now. i heart it and so should you. ![]() ![]() ![]()
hey people, i'm getting married!
ga lah. gila. udah pada nonton brides war belom? kalo belom, tonton sekarang juga! gw seneng banget anne hathaway maen di film itu. apalagi sama kate hudson. walaupun gw rasa ada sedikiiit kurang gregetnya, tapi udah cukup kocak ama freak kok. apalagi gw ga nyangka kalo endingnya bakal begitu. boleh lahh.. 8.5/10 :D i like it, i like it omong2 soal wedding... ada seseorang yang patut dinobatkan sebagai dewa pesta pernikahan. PRESTON BAILEY he's one of the best -- if not the best event organizer in the world. and i adore his work! take a look: ![]() ^ very romantic. very exotic. i love the centerpieces. ![]() ^ i'd go with this instead of the plain white wedding any day! ![]() ^ the centerpiece is wholly made of chocolate! how can i not love it?? ^ white and gold. tall white tulips as centerpieces. heart it. gila. keren2 banget. gw ngeliat buku2nya jadi pengen cepetan nikah.. hahaha.. sebenernya sih gw cman pengen pestanya juga. kalo bisa gw pengen berkali2 adain pesta pernikahan. sekali white wedding, trus gold wedding, trus red wedding, trus blue wedding, trus black wedding. sekali pake bunga, trus buah, trus permen, trus coklat, trus lampu semua. mauuuu!! not that i'd actually get around to organizing it. i can barely get together the plan for my sweet 17. cekaceka. padahal mikirnya seneng banget. tapi giliran mau ngejalanin, gw langsung males. hahaha.. let's all get married, have super wedding parties, and invite me me me!
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eaa.. uda bulan februari. cepet yah.
thing's i'm looking forward to this month: . idel's sweet 17 - still looking for a dress . valentine's day - i've got the perfect present :D . frenki's bday - so i'm invited after all. lol. i'll definitely show up . rena's sweet 17 - happy bday, you! . baksos agama - well not exactly looking forward to it but it's coming anyway . bali - can't wait!! . cumi - the long awaited event to happen. i'm still crossing my fingers for you! mengenai baksos agama.. temen2, kalo ada yg punya buku pelajaran sd bekas ato buku tulis bekas layak pakai minta sumbangannya yaa.. seikhlasnya aja kok :D ini bakal kita sumbangin ke sekolah yg bobrok, yg anak2nya kurang fasilitas dasar kyk buku dan alat tulis. sekarang gw lagi nungguin dia tidur.. kasian, lagi ga enak badan dia. mudah2an ga sakit yg macem2 (lagi). omong2 chikungunya udah masuk jakarta ya? kemaren ada anak2 kelas 3 yg ketularan. takut nih topher jg kena penyakitnya.. chikungunya ditularkan lewat nyamuk. menyebabkan demam tinggi. bentol2. radang sendi. demam tinggi ampe 2 hari, tapi masih bisa nular abis itu. hati2 ya kawan2. nahh.. dia udah bobo.. hehehe.. gw jg tidur ah. bye everyone. love u all. ~11 is LOVE~ .a month to a year .everyday is a gift we both share .well, not all of it. but most. heartheart ![]() |
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December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 |